Lulu's mind in the middle of iftar Alright! Hai, what are you doing? Good? I hope you guys always beyond blessing and joy. Hari ini adalah hari ke-7 kita berpuasa, semoga selalu berkah dan lancar yah guys hehe. Anyway, udah lama gue ga nulis lagi and yeah here I am standing with my point of view during quarantine. Seriously, this thing keep flying around my head karena gue gabisa bagi cerita banyak sama orang, biasanya sih gue ngobrol I mean, lulu is bad with small talk so give me a deep talk. I watch movie a lot and write at my Intagram story a little bit review can make my soul stay in peace lol. Also, one thing left, online class Monday to Friday. Oke, langsung aja kali ini gue mau nulis tentang "Visualisasi Mimpi". Aduh apaan si lu!? aneh banget. Emang bisa yah? Gila lo? Percaya sama gituan?! Ajaib deh, lo pernah coba? Emang iya? Those are small responses from my friends, mostly they did not believe in my statement....