
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2025


Ada sesuatu yang ngga berubah dari Lulu, kalo dilihat dari beberapa tulisannya yg bisa dibilang biasa aja yes betul sekali sangat biasa aja dari tahun 2018, dia cuman bisa menuangkan pikirannya jadi satu tulisan. Ada juga orang beranggapan bahwa Lulu cocoknya jadi penulis, well I have no idea to write anything except my life journey and my persfective during enjoying my life hmm. Akhir-akhir ini beberapa mimpi tentang masa depan terus dateng dan yes terus berputar, entah harus dikasih apa dan mulai darimana but I hope with write I can put it here and remembering that dreams are alive. Ada diposisi ini sungguh menakutkan, didekap oleh mimpi itu menakutkan, bahkan ketika mimpi itu mulai terasa nyata itu lebih menakutkan.  Buku-buku fiksi berjejer rapih di rak itu udah gue selesain, entah ada berapa. Tapi cerita didalemnya selalu bikin imajinasi ini terasah. Contoh, bukunya ceritain perjalanan di Croatia, jalan-jalan besar di New York, atau hidup santai di Tuscany, dan buku yang lagi ...


Make sure when you guys reading this page, you listen to the song that I suggest you should! Take your time to enjoy the vibration by Vincent Fenton I known him as FKJ. Bet on this long night and fatigue all most all day everyday, when you are hard to sleep and hard to get up. What are you doing, I am sitting nearby the bed, collecting papers on my table, gathered them into a small poetry, and story, being round and round in good and unpredictable, you just need one song. Tonight this half France guy showed up on my playlist, that randomly staying not premium. After you take the medicine, try to eat something, but still you can not bounce back to the bed and closed your eyes perfectly, and it's been with you for almost 15 days. When you totally hate hospital, and the library just chaos.  Way Out - FKJ (play this while you read the small pieces of art of mine, I just love my words, sentences, random paragraph, little notes, quotes on a book that waiting for me to finish, and sealed ...


Unfamiliar either familiar song comes through my playlist on a shuffle, since I leave my spotify playing random song every single of it just go with advertising.  When I crossing usual small street to my house. The song come from 2011, dream high the series from South Korea, I'm just an elementary student back then 11 years. Amaze the old me is always watch Korean Drama, and it's okay for sure nothing wrong. I and my sister always buy a DVD to the market that only we can arrived by a local transport we called "Angkot" unlucky us the "Angkot" just show up every once by an hour. The price is 5k each DVD, if you want to buy a good one, you have to buy 30k for better experience to watch your Korean Drama. We always run in a marathon when it comes to good movie. I still vividly remember what the hell my sister is watching till 4am. Just by today, I remember good old days with her.  I just had a convo with her, she is born by 93' and she is amazing, I love her...