Gue mencoba menyampaikan isi pikiran ini lewat tulisan-tulisan yang gue buat, terjaga sepanjang malam yang gue isi dengan banyak pertanyaan yang bahkan jawabannya masih abstrak. When everything seems so mess up, and I don't know how to get over it. I ruin myself. And turn all into words.

50 Overthinking Quotes on Regaining Control of Your Thoughts

2nd  May 2020 | 7 pm
When I am myself

“I think you will be okay”
“am I look okay?”
“Sorry I don’t mean to make you worse”
“Hang up 3 times”
"pick up so many times"
“I don’t”
“My point, sorry?”
“I had no idea what to expect”
“fears, hopes, and dreams”
“Listen… I THINK”
“You are everywhere”
“You are my nightmares and my daydreams”
“You are the contradicting thoughts in my head that consume me”
“You never really left”
“I’m afraid to wake up”
“Just empty”

3rd  May 2020 | 6.06 pm
Half of it

Thus was abstract feeling born
Everything beautiful is ruined eventually
Messy horrible selfish and bold
If her sense of going to be hurt
Before it happens
She is dying
And you were smiling

10.08 pm
I'm drowning
Reading the clouds
Far, far away
We defeated the sea
Battle with ego
I found it among mysterious and madness
Am I belong to you?

4th May 2020 | 6.40 am
Lemon hangat
Telur orak arik
Sisa podcast tidur tadi malam
Buku lusuh bersampul biru
10 menit meditasi
Pesan whatsapp tak terduga
Menelan prasangka
Ternyata hari raya di Jakarta

12.05 am
Saat aku sedang mengetik ini, sebenarnya aku sedang tidak baik-baik saja. 
Aku ingin sekali tertawa lepas tanpa gundah soal isi hati dan kepalaku.

Tapi, takdirku sedang di adu.

Sampai jumpa di pertemuan kita yang sedang diatur oleh semesta.  

Aku sedang mencoba bersyukur dengan berbagai cara. 
– Samroh Sitorus

It is difficult to answer that sort of question because it is so fraught with expectation. I did not want him to hurt for many lifetimes. Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves or sink you under deep into its abyss.


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