Hi, it was me in the picture standing gently and smiling behind the mask! Jakarta looks so beautiful with the city light and the crowds, this is my biggest wishlist since the first time I came here it's been a long story huh. I'm smiling behind the mask, that smile really truthful you can see that from my eyes. Isn't it? with my favorite shirt and my lovely hijab. No hurt feeling as you can see, all the joy, and happiness come around every day with unconditional times and I didn't expect it before. I start the trip from Sudirman train Station and voila I saw the building, the building that I always see every morning at one tv station.

"Ahh finally, close enough" lol it was stupid things I said
If you realize there is an underground street near the Station, a unique painting and everyone take a picture there, watching their smiles makes my heart warm I guess, so fun. I imagine someday I can walk with someone who enjoys the view while the suns down. Silent, but full of meaning. We don't need to talk too much when we enjoy the vibes. The connection links us together with the time.

Someone said we don't need to be beautiful by any makeup that put on our face, there is something called "Inner beauty" The beauty that comes out from our self, the original identity from us as a human being. One of my wishes this year is to limit myself to say rude words, that's not exactly me. That's not my type, and it is not my thing. Lately, I realize when I have a moment I have to put down my phone and put my attention fully to them. Sometimes I take a picture and keep that on my phone as my private documentation because "We share each other not the others". I write the best moment for someone, either online or offline he knows it (maybe) hehe he knows it yeah it's true. But the last moment will be hmm I don't know (?) there's no last moment.

2020 thought me about patience, for all the sad and falling down apart is okay is normal I do learning something right? but furthermore, I was thankful I really thankful for the grace that is given by God so I still have a chance to make my dreams come true winning some competition, meeting with the best people, sharing thoughts with a great team, friends that support me a lot every time and giving me their trust, my family that keeps smile through up and down situation, spending time with my friends at my home town, helping my friends to do some job, sometimes become their listener and giving them advice.. alhamdulillah look there are still a lot good things rather than bad things! oh, one thing left, this year I listen to a lot of jazzy music. 

Special Gratitude!

If you still remember what we write that night bcs yeah it's confidential but by Q. I don't know how big the trees that already growing right now, how many values that we take from the trees, we've been grown it together giving each other water as much as we can. I guess the water consists of sacrifices, late-night sleep, late breakfast so become a brunch, laziness (sometimes), bitterness, great ideas always come from the trees (even at deadline time). Thanks for reminding me about keep believing, keep struggling, keep on going, and never get tired of everything. I will remember this day, I always remember your big day fyi I write it lol. For all your achievement this year, you are doing great! Can't believe you can go to your last wishlist this year! I'm so happy about that (always), be ready for the next memorable story, and unexpected adventure. 

Enjoy the rest day of 2020! Be free! Be ready for 2021!
safe trip buddy! I'll see you soon!
Don't forget to sing...

Kerja keras lagi 
pasang badan lagi 

(ps. I pray for you always in all ways, let's ride around the town after you back!)


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