Hi, Lulu is here with her beauty in writing.

With her ability to believe and lift up the weight on her shoulder by trusting her dreams.

Got a job, and the job does not fit you so well it's okay at least you still alive and you can pay your bills. In this cruel world, you can be whatever you wanna be. Let me make this clear, which part of you that you really loved? And wanted anybody to recognize it? For me it should be my value, and my brand, I write to heal, to remember, to pour all the the ideas, to live with my world.

Through a lot of storm and lost, through a lot of reality that does not happen same as you wanted to be. I still have something that I always carry on my hands, on my mind, and living peacefully inside my soul. Something that I trust the most, it's called a dream. I am really grateful, to the stage I have right now it will not be happen unless I have faith and strength. Still remember the time when I write a small letter upon flyover the dreams, I really loved education, I really loved to learn and grow by every knowledge in this wide world. I am deeply falling into wisdom. 

Stepping into the higher level and to reach all of this we need perseverance, persistence, and yeah never give up in the end. Here, to the longest journey I ever had in my life, I start again with education I do not know how to create the world of mine except from education. Born to fall in love with education and I am trying to be an educator, to inspiring someone and share our thoughts. Talking about this chance, and this opportunity I realize that this is something to be done and I have to responsible till the end. Human is the most complicated things to learned, and understood. Talking about flaws, some of you may recognize me as someone whose ambitious and had a plan for my own future that is true. But, here is something that you will never see from me as Lulu. Her flaws, she has insecurity that live with her till today, but it does not stop her to shine and bloom beautifully by her own flaws. 

We live in a world of flaws, ironically we place a high value on beauty and perfection. Each of us has our own combination of flaws and struggles that make us who we are, because they make us unique, special, and beautiful. She does not looks like beautiful as the other girl, her nose is not as straight, her jaw is not as strong, her skin is too tan, and her body? Yeah, your answer this list of flaws can go on forever and so can insecurities come from them. For the first time, knowing that the beauty of standard is exist I am trying to learn more and more. Now, I found my answer.. is all about how we see the true value inside ourself. I realize that beauty comes not only from our physical appearance, but also from loving and embracing our physical uniqueness. For me it does not matter who you are, what colors are you, and everything. I do not want as someone who judge someone by appearance first, because I do not know what they have inside their soul and what they do for make the world run with a smile. 

How do I conquer the world of mine while I have insecurities, here are some tips from Lulu. I'm trying my absolute best, I encourage positive attitudes and self confidence by upgrading my skills and competence, planning my life better than before, be different with my value, creating my environment with my positive energy, go to higher education, sharing and crafting new journey with people, put our shoes on someone shoes before we speak, before we act, before we decide, embrace my talent and value because  I know that I really worth to fight, be you, be your own brand. 

Still being you is enough, and it is enough for being you.

Robert Greene said:

Sometimes we pointed out someone imperfections

Like we had none

Darling, actually what you saw 

Was only a reflection




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