If Liz can found her balance so am I. Liz can travel the world just to found her balance, she visits Italia to eat beautifully and jump into a meaningful eating. How can a food treat her better, and make her realize that to be in love with the present, she should be happy and she is happy through Italian cuisine. After that, she visits India to meet her Guru, she found the best meditation and a simple meaning from a girl that she met, and a senior volunteer from Texas. Liz forgive herself through a pray at India, she found her sincerity. Love hurt her so much, but Bali can cure it she met Ketut and Wayan. She helps Tutti a little girl to reach her dream with her Mama. Yeah, a dream to buy a house with a blue shiny floor. Liz knows how to found her love, like she says... 

"To lose balance sometimes for love, is part of living a balanced life".

So let me tell you a story of mine, the story of my Eat, Pray, Love. 


Few years ago, I met this guy. The guy that I never expected before, he is a kind  of person that I do not know for sure how to know him well. Till I learned it by myself, guess how many years I'm trying to learn about him, this is entering my five years. More than knowing, it's learning, understanding, and waiting. Hi, if you read this I write this short story for you. 

Eating become our simple things to do, I love this guy through his wisdom and knowledge, the way he thinks, the way he speaks, the way he smiles at me, the way he is staring at me at our conversation, when he gives his little time for me, his little random text and call. I still remember the first time he is introduce me to Soto. He loves local so much! He is a man with an Indonesian proud! He is not just inviting me to eat, but we dives deeper into story behind the food, or simple story about the location. It is become our habit to eat something new, and visit some places just to try the local foods. Do you still remember the time when you said... 

"To solve everything, we can talk at the dining table" 

"To share everything, we can share at the dining table"

I always love when he is enjoying his food, but I do not like it when he is pursuing me to eat all of my food when I feel full hehe. When we eat something new, I always get curious because this man looks so smart when he is thinking. Like, how can you are so attracting like that?! I get witched. 

This experience get caught by him through his spiritual journey in Bali, I guess when he is in Bali he feels so safe by the environment, he feels new energy with Ketut that he met few years ago. Just like Liz when she met Ketut, Liz goes to Bali to feel her last balance is about love. This man goes to Bali actually to find his love from cultural journey, and spiritual journey. On 2023, I'm crying due to his seven miracles prayer. I never imagine that he can wrote something sweet and serious to send his prayer to God. He knows how to send a prayer without insisting it. Pray and he feels safe.

Hardest part is coming, but let me tell you how balance he is through something called love

He does not has an enemy.

He loves all culture, food, and society.

He loves all kind of music.

He loves peace.  

He does not has a hate speech.

When he loves something, he will show it to you. His annoying action to me even a sign for his love. His time for me is a love. For me what kind of love that I really adore is when he is willing to give me an attention, a story, or when he is become my private tour guide from city to city is a love for me. He does not like a morning or evening walk, but he is willing to do it for me is a love. When he is share his  favorite music, band, and everything and I like it, is a love.

Laundry your clothes is a love for you, giving you a hair vitamin is a love for you, borrowing you a pen and you lose it, is a love for you. Writing you a letter and poem is a love for you, traveling to new city and places is a love for you. There are still many of love that I can not say here.

Last but not least, are we gonna visit Bali this year? 

Proudly, my eat, pray, love person.


Love, LJ


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